I have been given the opportunity for the journey of a lifetime - to volunteer in orphanages of Southeast Asia. While traveling and volunteering in Nepal and Thailand, I hope to contribute significant research to the field of children's human rights. The children of these countries suffer unbearable realities of human rights violations through child labor, bonded slavery, and sexual exploitation. As work for my graduate thesis, I am researching the organizations that exist to return these unfortunate children to their childhood.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A whole new world!

As I'm writing this blog I'm feeling pieces of rice still coming from under my nails......I ate with my hands for the first time!!!!! What an exhilirating experience! At first I couldn't even touch my food, just the feeling that it was not allowed (American mentality), and I wasn't being my proper self. Adelaide giggled with me until I could get to the point of just touching my food :) The first try was hysterical - food all over my face and falling back on my plate. But, then I was taught the skill of using your thumb as a "spoon" and to use your hand as a scoop. Once I got that down, Bonnie taught me a few "table" manners (we don't sit at a table, but on straw stools). And yes, there are manners and proper ways to use your hands to eat! You cannot get food past your second knuckle. Slurping is ok. It is not polite to fling food on others, even if it is accidental! The cooks were laughing and applauding my skills, and had a great time just watching me :) When I was about finished I was comfortable with the whole eating-with-your-hands, so I didn't refuse more food like I usually do. I wasn't even that hungry, I just wanted to keep "playing"!!! I mixed my dahl (lentils) and baht (rice) to the perfect consistency and went in for seconds! I slurped extra loud for the giggles and smiles I got from the cooks. And, then, as if I couldn't create any more amusement, I complemented the cooks in true Nepalese fashion -with a loud burp! I felt so childlike, such fun! I'm so excited to eat dinner tomorrow!!!

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