I have been given the opportunity for the journey of a lifetime - to volunteer in orphanages of Southeast Asia. While traveling and volunteering in Nepal and Thailand, I hope to contribute significant research to the field of children's human rights. The children of these countries suffer unbearable realities of human rights violations through child labor, bonded slavery, and sexual exploitation. As work for my graduate thesis, I am researching the organizations that exist to return these unfortunate children to their childhood.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

back to the living!

I have literally been sick in bed for the past seven days. I caught a bacterial infection from poorly prepared food, not from AmaGhar, but from eating out in Kathmandu. I'll spare you the details of disgusting symptoms, but needless to say, it's been an awful week. Mid-week, after a continuous high fever, Bonnie took me to the doctor. We thought that from my loss of fluids I would need an IV, but I was glad to find out I was only partially dehydrated, so the IV wasn't needed. I was given rehydration salts (nasty taste!!!) to drink, and antibiotics.

I was just so relieved to find out it wasn't my appendix or something major. I have never felt such incredible pain in my stomach like that before. The entire house has been so sweet in taking such good care of me. Adelaide has been waiting on me night and day, always making sure I'm ok. There's even a drawing on my door from all the kids, saying they miss having fun with me, and hope I get better soon. The poor house mothers have been so upset, trying all their traditional medicines. The past few days I've been trying to go outside, do some laundry, or be active in some way. But, each time a house mother would walk me back inside, and insist I need more rest. After feeling like death for a week, I woke up this morning like a new person! The kids said it was like I was on a video game that suddenly added power to my body :) It felt so wonderful today to hang out with the kids, get back to my reading groups, and eat dinner with my hands again - I'm back!!! One of the girls just came in my room to say good night, and said she is so happy to see me smiling again. I love my AmaGhar family!!!!

1 comment:

Bob Kirchner said...


Years ago I ran into the same ailment while on a houseboat in Kashmir. Mine only lasted 3 days, but they a burnt into my memory!

Hope you are fully recovered and continue your great adventure!

Bob Kirchner