I have been given the opportunity for the journey of a lifetime - to volunteer in orphanages of Southeast Asia. While traveling and volunteering in Nepal and Thailand, I hope to contribute significant research to the field of children's human rights. The children of these countries suffer unbearable realities of human rights violations through child labor, bonded slavery, and sexual exploitation. As work for my graduate thesis, I am researching the organizations that exist to return these unfortunate children to their childhood.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's official?

So, word is that the strike (bandh) is now official. NOW official?! What has the past week been?! The difference in the "official" aspect is that now stores and most of the city is closed down, not just transportation. But, what doesn't make sense is that the children are going to school today, but haven't been going to school the past week. I have tried to stop making sense of all this! Strikes of all kinds are so common, that it doesn't seem to phase the Nepalese, just a part of life. What saddens me though is that all these countless strikes seem to be continuing the developing aspect of this country. Children are out of school for indefinite amounts of time. Businesses and banks are never certain when they can open. Transportation is either full-swing, or not allowed. How is a country supposed to progress if any sense of regularity is lacking?

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