I have been given the opportunity for the journey of a lifetime - to volunteer in orphanages of Southeast Asia. While traveling and volunteering in Nepal and Thailand, I hope to contribute significant research to the field of children's human rights. The children of these countries suffer unbearable realities of human rights violations through child labor, bonded slavery, and sexual exploitation. As work for my graduate thesis, I am researching the organizations that exist to return these unfortunate children to their childhood.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Week two!

Beginning of week two and things are getting a bit easier! I'm still adjusting to food, internet unreliability, handwashing clothes, and no hot water, but now those only seem like luxuries. I hope to soon master the art of washing my clothes in less than 8 hours! And, using less water so I don't flood the bathroom like I did this morning!

Today was my first day of teaching at the school for the Little Sisters Fund - such fun!!! I am teaching english (communication and pronunciation) to kindergarten and first grade. I'm also doing the same for ninth graders, but with them also working on writing skills. I was a bit intimidated by the older class, but only from my own shyness :)

I take three buses to the school, and three buses back home. It's a bit difficult to figure out the transportation system with no order, but I'm managing! I try to sound like I know what I'm doing, but I always get a giggle when I speak a Nepalese word! Today I experienced the true kindess of this culture when someone realized I couldn't find my bus. He walked with me for about five minutes, in the direction I needed to be in. Such a sweet thing to do!

I was able to download a few pictures, which are on the right side in the flickr box. Some are from the Bangkok airport, the cultural show of the Little Sisters Fund - dancing and beautiful costumes, and a few sights of Kathmandu. I think there's a few cow shots as well - they are all over the road!!!

1 comment:

RML said...

Honey --

It's an amazing "trip your on," and even though our involvement is vicarious, we're all with you!!

Much love from your flam'ly.

Love Dad.