I have been given the opportunity for the journey of a lifetime - to volunteer in orphanages of Southeast Asia. While traveling and volunteering in Nepal and Thailand, I hope to contribute significant research to the field of children's human rights. The children of these countries suffer unbearable realities of human rights violations through child labor, bonded slavery, and sexual exploitation. As work for my graduate thesis, I am researching the organizations that exist to return these unfortunate children to their childhood.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I'm not sure if I've mentioned my transportation of the micro-buses, quite the experience! I feel like I'm in a clown car, with all the people crammed in, arms and heads out the windows. Seats look like they would fit two people, but they intend for five people to sit there! This morning I had to put half of my side out the window in order to avoid being sat on.

Micro's also take part in creating the craziness of the traffic. But, I had to smile this morning when I realized that despite the insane driving, the driver will always stop for a crossing duck family, or the street dogs slowly crossing the street. And, of course, you must stop for the cows!

I've experienced both sweetness and anger on the bus. Last week I was stuck in the middle of a brawl between two women who were fighting over the front seat! I got elbowed in the side and knocked to the floor, and I was just trying to get out of their way! But, the next bus I was able to see the true sweetness of the Nepalese. The bus was crammed with people as usual, and a woman got on with a baby in her arms. Without hesitation, a man reached for the baby to hold her for the mother, because she couldn't sit. It was such a great moment to experience!

I'm getting better at pronouncing my bustops, otherwise I can't get on or off! I either get ignored, headshaking that means yes, or the headshaking that means no!

1 comment:

Ellen said...

You're amazing, McKenzie! I know the children's lives will be greatly enhanced from the time you spend with them. I wrote about you on my blog at http://wonderfulonlinewomen.blogspot.com/ and wanted you to know. Hopefully my readers will be generous and help support your journey. Much love to you.